
Art In The Eastside

Deirdre Robb’s ‘Art Flag Bunting’ installations are designed to connect with the community. She seeks to counter negativity  through a creative energy to create debate and a platform for discussion. Collage is a starting point for participants who create their own personal art flag, these are combined with artists images and famous quotes to balance and uniform the installation.  Robb stimulates participants to explore identity, encourages them to celebrate their community and inspires the individual to look to a positive future. She then creates outdoor interventions in parks, shopping centres, waste land, railings and schools.

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                                                                                                                 Samples of Artwork produce by participants for the ‘Art Flag Bunting’ in  Creative Exchange  Art in the Eastside project. This is a community engaged programme that encourages arts-led regeneration. This project has been delivered since 2011 – 2014.

Art In The Eastside

Art_in_The_Eastside_Deirdre_Robb_Pocket_ParkThis was an outdoor installation that was part of Creative Exchange  Art in the Eastside project that took part in the Ulster Bank Festival At Queen’s  20th october – 4th November 2014. This artwork examines perceptions of cultural identity  and was used to highlight the positive aspects of East Belfast it was located in the ‘Pocket Park’ on the Newtownards Road in East Belfast.

This pocket Park is a first one-of-its-kind in Europe and is designed to ‘green’ vacant spaces in an urban setting through arts-led regenration. Pocket Park Newtownards Road




ng the Flint River for public use. In 2013, more than 75 artists and organizations from the city, the region, and the country participated, including more than 20 from Flint, a dozen from southeast Michigan and the Great Lakes region, as well as international artists from Germany, Ireland, and Poland. The event attracted thousands of visitors from the region to activate the sprawling city-owned landscape at the curve of the Flint River. The art festival  took place in an abandoned site that was previously the car plant that made Chevrolet’s in Flint Michigan.

Robb created 2 installations ‘Art Flag Bunting” and ‘Wish Tree” in response to the post-industrial changes experienced in a community when industry collapses without replacement jobs and limited infrastructure  development needed to support the community in transition.


flint audiences





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